Intellectual Disabilities
Meeting Individual Needs
The intellectual disabilities program of Family Services Incorporated follows the principles of “Every Day Lives”. Everyday lives values what is important to people with disabilities and their families, who are striving for an everyday life. An everyday life is about opportunities, relationships, rights and responsibilities. It is about being a member of the community, having a valued role, making a contribution to society, and having one’s rights as a citizen fully respected. People with disabilities have a right to an everyday life, a life that is no different than that of all other citizens. The values that are most important to people with disabilities are: control, choice, freedom, stability, health and safety, being connected, responsibility, communication, success, employment, individuality, relationships, partnership, quality, and advocacy.
Intellectual Disabilities Program
Family Services Incorporated offers residential support, life sharing opportunities, and home and community services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. All persons seeking to access services must first reach out to Southern Alleghenies Service Management Group (SASMG) for any additional questions and a referral.
The Community Residential Program provides opportunities for adults to live in a supportive environment as fully participating members of the community. The homes are established to facilitate individual choice, foster greater independence and community involvement, and provide a comfortable, life-enriching home life.
Our Guiding Principles:
- Stability:changes to a person’s life are made only with their permission and input
- Health and Safety:People have the right to be healthy and safe in all areas of their lives. Health, safety, and risk are balanced according to the person’s wants and needs.
- Connected:A person has the right to be a full member of their community.
- Communication:People have the right to be listened to and understood, and their input is valued.
- Individuality:People have the right to be respected and valued for who they are and what they want to be.
- Relationships:All people have the right to decide who is in their life; friends, family, partners, neighbors, pets and others in the community.
- Success:A person has the right to be the best that they can be in the goals that they decide.